Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising სამაგიდო თამაში

USAOPOLYკოდი: 7730793

თანხა ფასდაკლებით219.00 ₾

დღგ-ს ჩათვლით. მიწოდების თანხის დაანგარიშება ხდება გადახდის გვერდზე



Lord Voldemort has been resurrected and is once again threatening to overtake the Wizarding World. Work together to defeat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his sinister Death Eaters in this fun cooperative dice and card game, where players recruit Wizarding World forces to fight unpredictable odds as seen in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Age: 11+
Players: 2-4
Time: 60+

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