PKM - Battle Academy 2022 სავაჭრო საბანქო თამაში

Nintendoკოდი: 7730836

თანხა ფასდაკლებით159.00 ₾

დღგ-ს ჩათვლით. მიწოდების თანხის დაანგარიშება ხდება გადახდის გვერდზე



Pokémon TCG: 2022 Battle Academy
Battle Academy (2022) is an updated board game adaptation of the best-selling Pokémon TCG, which makes it easy and fun for the whole family to learn the classic tabletop game, and comes after the original version was awarded Game of the Year at The Toy Association’s 2021 Toy of the Year Awards.

The new version introduces the Pokémon V gameplay mechanic and an updated lineup of fan-favorite Pokémon, including Pikachu, Eevee and Cinderace. Each Battle Academy (2022) product comes with everything needed to master the basics of the Pokémon TCG — including a two-player game board, three 60-card decks, tutorial guides and gameplay accessories — making it an ideal activity for family and friends.
Age: 6+
Players: 2
Time: 30+

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