Prestige Rider Back 100% Plastic Standard Index ბანქოს დასტა

BICYCLEკოდი: 7710278

თანხა ფასდაკლებით40.00 ₾

დღგ-ს ჩათვლით. მიწოდების თანხის დაანგარიშება ხდება გადახდის გვერდზე



Many professionals prefer the flexibility and durability of plastic cards. Bicycle® Prestige cards offer unmatched durability. It’s the only 100% plastic card to offer a paper-like feel.

The Prestige deck is perfect for neighborhood games and professional tournaments alike. Now with the famous Rider Back deck design - Available in both Red and Blue - order 2 and get 1 of each.

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