Tokyo Ghoul: Bloody Masquerade − სამაგიდო თამაში

JAPANIME GAMESკოდი: 7710178

თანხა ფასდაკლებით169.00 ₾

დღგ-ს ჩათვლით. მიწოდების თანხის დაანგარიშება ხდება გადახდის გვერდზე

დარჩა მხოლოდ 2 ცალი


In downtown Tokyo, ghouls are on the move, and they can only quench their thirst with coffee and their bloodthirst with human flesh. Humans are easy prey, but the investigators from the fearful CCG are on the lookout. Their job: make the ghouls out in the crowd and hunt them down.

In this bluff-and-deduction board game, play as one of 15 different characters from the anime "Tokyo Ghoul", including Kaneki, Touka, Juzo and Rize.

 Whether you are a mere human, a ghoul, or an investigator: roam the streets of Tokyo, keep your identity a secret, investigate, and cover your tracks. It is up to you to uncover the other players' real natures and come out on top. In the hostile environment, always keep in mind: Everyone you run into might be a killer!

Age: 14+
Players: 4-8
Time: 15+

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