It's a Wonderful World სამაგიდო თამაში

Blackrock Gamesკოდი: 7730710

თანხა ფასდაკლებით199.00 ₾

დღგ-ს ჩათვლით. მიწოდების თანხის დაანგარიშება ხდება გადახდის გვერდზე



In this card-drafting and resources-engine game, you are leading an expanding Empire. Are you going to develop the financial way, the military way, the science way..? Expand your Empire so it becomes a Wonderful World! You must develop faster and better than your competitors. You'll carefully plan your expansion to develop your production power and rule over this new world. A game lasts 4 rounds. Each round, draft 7 cards, then choose for each card, whether to build it or to recycle it. Recycling gives you a resource right away, but building the card will produce more resources every remaining rounds. Also, the different resources are produced with a fixed sequence. Be sure to anticipate every step to optimize the order in which you build your cards! It's a Wonderful World offers a great depth, lots of strategies and even a solo mode.
Age: 14+
Players: 1-5
Time: 30+

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